The Morning Glory Cafe

Suggested Reading
What Is Faith Like?
Faith - My Own Experiences
Cool Music Links
Beside The Water
Desolate Heart
Journey With Grace
Understanding The Holy Spirit

Romans 8:18
...consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

  Welcome to the Morning Glory Cafe!  Grab a cup of coffee or hot tea, sit back and allow God to speak to your heart.  This site has been created to inspire and encourage you.  No matter what you have been through, or what you may be going through right now... you CAN have peace and joy inside your soul.  If you don't believe me, stay a while and give God the chance to reveal within you the glory of Christ and the Holy Spirit.  I assure you  that the Holy Spirt is real! And He wants to fill your soul with a joy that you have never known before.

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